Ladybugs and Butterflies: A Trip to Butterfly Wonderland
Butterfly Wonderland in Scottsdale, Arizona, truly is just that, a wonderland. Butterfly Wonderland is the largest butterfly conservatory in the United States and is well worth the visit. The adventure begins with a 3-D movie about Monarch Butterflies before you enter the butterfly pavilion. Next, you enter the “Emergence Gallery” to see live cocoons and chrysalis waiting to turn into beautiful butterflies of every sort, before moving into the the giant butterfly atrium itself. After the atrium, many other desert creatures await, from scorpions and spiders to sea creatures and stingrays you can touch.
This is a one of a kind experience – Ladybug loves to visit and see new displays every time. She may even be celebrating her next birthday wth the butterflies and caterpillars and says, “I’m having a bug and butterfly birthday next year – it will be awesome!”
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